Sunday, November 28, 2010


PawPaw, his granddaughters and his great granddaughter
The time between Thanksgiving and New Year's is my absolute favorite time of year. I love cooking the big meals and decorating the house and just having everyone together and happy. I love the smells and the sounds and the sights. I just love every little thing about it all! And so far, this has been the best ever! It had definitely been a rough month or so for our family, but on Thursday, there were so many reasons for us to give thanks. Steve has been feeling better and better every day. Pawpaw is speaking more and more every day. And of course, Annabelle is getting cuter and cuter every day. I truly feel that for all of this, I am more thankful than even I thought I could be. Every night when I put Annabelle to bed and we say her prayers and kiss her goodnight, I thank God for all that he has blessed us with this year and every night I'm a bit more grateful.

Our First Thanksgiving with Ananbelle

Thanksgiving dinner at home

Annabelle with her Daddy and sister

10 weeks old!

Today I began my somewhat over the top annual marathon Christmas decorating. Yes, we usually have 4 Christmas trees. I know, that's crazy. But I LOVE CHRISTMAS! There's something about the glow of the Christmas lights that just makes everything feel so warm and cozy. This year, as we've added a new little person to our house, we've also added a new tree! Annabelle has the sweetest little pink tree I've ever seen. I love how tiny and sweet she is now, but I must admit I do look forward to sharing my love of the season with her when she's big enough to understand what's going. For this year though, she is quite sweet just staring at the lights!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Annabelle is so cute! Promise me when we get to bring Thomas home me, you, and Starr all are going to get together with our babies and celebrate. Love you and have appreciated all of your encouragement.
